New Sound Protection Enclosure
Within the first week of opening I quickly realised that the environmental sound from outside the clinic was not conducive to testing customers hearing. Purpose built sound booths can be very small and very expensive for a new business.
I set about planning my own DIY sound enclosure. I took advice from a company specialising in acoustic design. A space was identified and a stud wall built. Double layer acoustic plasterboard was used on the outer surface. Acoustic fiber was used to line the inside of the stud wall and sound absorbing studio foam was used to line the inner. Carpet formed a sound absorbing aesthetic design outside.
The environmental noise has gone from an average 42+dB outside to 28dB inside and even heavy traffic which can reach 60dB outside is no more than 42dB inside the enclosure. With passive noise reduction from the special headphones used to test hearing, accurate testing results are now guaranteed. I've even had comments about customers hearing their own heartbeats :-)
I set about planning my own DIY sound enclosure. I took advice from a company specialising in acoustic design. A space was identified and a stud wall built. Double layer acoustic plasterboard was used on the outer surface. Acoustic fiber was used to line the inside of the stud wall and sound absorbing studio foam was used to line the inner. Carpet formed a sound absorbing aesthetic design outside.
The environmental noise has gone from an average 42+dB outside to 28dB inside and even heavy traffic which can reach 60dB outside is no more than 42dB inside the enclosure. With passive noise reduction from the special headphones used to test hearing, accurate testing results are now guaranteed. I've even had comments about customers hearing their own heartbeats :-)